Show All / Analóg csatolók /ATA171plus / ATA172plus /BALUN /Beágyazott /CastleNet /CastleNet EMTA gatewayek /CastleNet gatewayek /CastleNet kábelmodemek /Cisco /Console servers /CTC /Digi International /Dinstar /Edgecore /FMC sorozat /FRM-220 sorozat /Hero 5000 /Kábelmodem /Külső /LAN extender /MediaExcel /Multitech /Multitech wireless /OpenVox /Portech /Serial TS /SERIAL-ES /Serial-LTS-TS /SERIAL-SP/IA /Sim bank /Trunk Gateways /UC GATEWAYS /USB /VOIP - GSM átjárók /VoIP - GSM átjárók /WELLGATE 2540,2504 /wellgate WellGate 2808-80 /
FaxFinder® IP...
FaxFinder® IP replaces all your fax machines with one centrally located fax server. This wireless fax server provides expanded faxing and p...
The FaxFinder® all-in-one fax server provides distributed faxing capabilities, over a WAN, from a corporate office to small remote offices ...
SocketEthernet IPÂ...
The SocketEthernet IP® device server connects serial devices to an IP network fast to remotely monitor, control and configure your equipmen...
SocketModem® iCel...
The SocketModem® iCell intelligent cellular modems add wireless communication and GPS tracking for remote device tracking, monitoring and r...
QuickCarrier® USB...
The QuickCarrier® USB-E embedded USB cellular modems offer simple cellular technology for data-intensive applications such as remote video ...
MultiConnect® PCI...
MultiConnect® PCIe embedded PCIe mini card communication modules and cellular modems are complete, ready-to-integrate communication device...
PortServer® TS...
Serial TS
PortServer TSÂ serial servers offer RS-232 serial port expansion, making it easy to connect any serial device to your network. Available in ...
PortServer® TS ME...
Serial TS
PortServer TS MEI (Multi-Electrical Interface) serial servers offer RS-232/422/485 serial port expansion, making it easy to connect any seri...
PortServer TS Hard...
Serial TS
The PortServer TS MEI Hardened family of serial servers is designed for serial port expansion where environmental hazards demand extended sa...
PortServer® TS M ...
Serial TS
The PortServer TS M MEI serial server offers Ethernet and RS-232/422/485 serial connections, with the addition of an internal modem. The one...
PortServer® TS P ...
Serial TS
PortServer TS P MEI makes it easy to connect RS-232/422/485 serial devices to an IP network. By supporting versatile powering options like p...