Show All / Analóg csatolók /ATA171plus / ATA172plus /BALUN /Beágyazott /CastleNet /CastleNet EMTA gatewayek /CastleNet gatewayek /CastleNet kábelmodemek /Cisco /Console servers /CTC /Digi International /Dinstar /Edgecore /FMC sorozat /FRM-220 sorozat /Hero 5000 /Kábelmodem /Külső /LAN extender /MediaExcel /Multitech /Multitech wireless /OpenVox /Portech /Serial TS /SERIAL-ES /Serial-LTS-TS /SERIAL-SP/IA /Sim bank /Trunk Gateways /UC GATEWAYS /USB /VOIP - GSM átjárók /VoIP - GSM átjárók /WELLGATE 2540,2504 /wellgate WellGate 2808-80 /
USB Plus Power...
USB PlusPower technology saves space and simplifies retail and medical system architecture by eliminating individual power supply bricks for...
USB over IP...
AnywhereUSB products are network-attached USB hubs that connect USB peripheral devices to a PC over a Local Area Network. The AnywhereUSB TS...
USB to Serial...
Edgeport USB-to-serial converters offer an easy Plug and Play solution for COM port expansion. An external box alternative to PCI cards, Edg...
Digi Remote Power ...
Console servers
Távvezérlés, amellyel ki és bekapcsolhatja az eszközt;Lehetőség van az eszköz hőmérsékletének figyelésére valamint terhelés m...
Digi Passport...
Console servers
A freeKVM lehetővé teszi a grafikus kezelőfelületen való hozzáférést a szerverekhez;4,8,16,32 vagy 48 RJ-45ös port, dual Ethernet p...
Digi CM...
Console servers
Biztonságosan hozzáfér és menedzseli a szervereket és IT-eszközöket a konzol port segítségével;In-band és out-of-band konzol mene...
SocketModem® EDGE...
Multitech wireless
The SocketModem® EDGE embedded cellular modem delivers data speeds up to three times faster than ordinary GSM/GPRS network, making it ideal...
MultiModem® iSMS...
Multitech wireless
The MultiModem® iSMS intelligent SMS server gives low-bandwidth applications the ability to send affordable SMS text messages. Connect in m...
MultiConnect® OCG...
Multitech wireless
The MultiConnect® OCG-D open communications gateway performs like a mini industrial computer that you can plug directly into existing appli...
MultiConnect® AW...
Multitech wireless
The MultiConnect® AW analog-to-wireless converter is a convenient way to connect legacy dial-up devices to cellular networks to extend the ...
MultiConnect® Gam...
Multitech wireless
The MultiConnect® Gambit™ is the first deployment-ready cellular gateway to integrate with ARM’s mbed development ecosystem, available...
MultiModem® Cell...
Multitech wireless
The MultiModem® Cell cellular modems offer 2G, 3G models with GSM or EDGE technologies. They integrate seamlessly with any application and ...